

2016-12-01 14:09



  N. 课余生活(旅行、义工、社团等)

  1. If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would

  you choose? A lab assistant, a campus tour guide, or a library assistant? Please give specific reasons.

  Personally, I prefer to be a lab assistant. As a lab assistant, I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice, thus the knowledge that I learn in classrooms can be tested by myself, and that can be very awesome. Apart from that, I can also interact with the scientists working in the lab and enlighten myself. Working together with them can be very meaningful, since I plan to get my Ph.D in physics and become a physicist in the future. The lab assistant experience can be very valuable when I am applying for the graduate school, it will give me a better shot to get scholarship.

  2. Which of the following library volunteer would you want to choose to do? Helping people find the right material, reading to kids or keeping bookshelf organized.

  Personally, I would like to help people find the right material. Actually I like to help others directly, and I will get a sense of accomplishment, sometimes students have a hard time finding the book they need, and there is nobody there assisting them, since I am very quick with alphabetical order and numbers, so I will be very efficient. On top of that, this job can help me to meet new people and make new friends, they might have different majors, thus I can be exposed to new concepts and idea when interacting with them, and this will make my life in college more meaningful.

  3. Your school has a program that allows students to visit workplaces. What place would you choose to observe and learn about?

  1. A science laboratory 2. A business office 3. A Television studio

  Personally, I choose to visit a science lab. Most of the time the things we learn in classrooms are very theoretical, and hard to understand. Going the lab I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice. Apart from that, I can also interact with the scientists working in the lab and enlighten myself. Like,  a chemist can give you some information on frontier issues in the biochemistry field, or they might tell you something about a new drug to cure cancer, and that will make me very excited.

  4. If you have an opportunity to go to a free class during the weekend,which of the following would you choose to go to public speaking, starting your own business, or photography and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

  Personally, I would like to attend a public speaking class. It is a very important skills not only for a student but also for a professional in a working environment. As a student, we might need to write a paper, and present it in front of the fellow students, if you have excellent public speaking skills, you are likely to convey your ideas and research result much more effectively. Also, for a professional, one might need to present their product and show it to the client, the public speaking class can help them to be more persuasive and convincing.

  5. Which of the following would you prefer as a volunteer in the community - assisting visitors with locating books using computers, reading to young children, or shelving books and magazines? Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your explanation.

  Personally, I would like to read to young children. To begin with, they are very innocent and naive, and they are fun to be around. It is relaxing to be with the kids. Additionally, kids can be a real handful, so when reading book to them, I can develop my patience. You know, kids might misbehave, they interrupt you, ask very innocent question, walk around when you teach them how to read In this process, I can learn the techniques to supervise and manage the kids.

  6. Science club, hiking club, which one are you interested in?

  Personally, I would like to choose to join the science club. To begin with, I bet there will be field trip to research centers and science labs. By going to the lab, I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory in practice. It is very helpful for me to understand some theories since most of the time the things we learn in classrooms are very theoretical, and hard to understand. Also, by doing activities in the lab, I can be more creative and imaginative. Possibly, We can come up with lots of idea with regard of the theories, and make contribution to the technological advancement, and then it might be applied in the real world, thus benefits the entire human race.

新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx




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