2016-12-01 14:09
H. 环境保护类:
1. Some schools require students to take part in community service activities after school. Which of the following do you think is the best activity for students? 1. Planting flowers in the community 2.doing clean-ups in the garden 3. recycling waste.
If I got a chance to do some community service, I would like to choose to clean the garden. Well, in my city, people do not really pay attention to environment protection. There are rampant littering, and spitting everywhere. The garden is supposed to be place where citizens can have fun and get some relaxation. Unfortunately, it is not very neat and clean. I would like to make it a better place for community members to enjoy themselves, and by consciously participating this kind of activity, hopefully, I can influence my friends and strangers around me so that they will be aware that environment protection is really urgent.
2. Your school is going to help the community. Which of the following would you prefer? 1) clean litters and trash 2)plant trees and flowers 3)teach children knowledge about the environment.
Personally, I would like to teach children knowledge about environment. To begin with, it helps to cultivate kids' environment awareness at an early age, so when they grow up, they will definitely do something to protect the environment, like they will turn off the faucet after using the water and not waste any water, categorize the trash, not litter around. Plus, it is the younger generations' responsibility to protect the environment, and make the world a better place for people to live in. Additionally, kids are very interesting to be around, and it is great fun to interact with them, since they are very naive and adorable, therefore one can forget about their pressure in life and study.
I. 家庭、家庭(朋友)活动类 :
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, it is better to live close to parents than far away from them.
Personally, I prefer to live close to my parents for the following reasons. To begin with, I am family person, and I enjoy spending time with my families. Spending some quality time once in a while is very important to me, and living close to my parents can help to do that more conveniently. Plus, if we live close to each other, we can constantly look out for one another. Like if I got sick or have some kind of emergencies, my parents can attend me in a timely manner. Also, they are getting old, and they need my immediate care, things can be much easier if I live close to them.
2. Describe a time when you did something that you had never done before and explain what happened. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
Well, I would like to talk about my first vacation on a beach with the whole family. I still remember that the scenery there was so different from that of my city, we drunk some coconut while appreciating the beautiful scenery along the seashore, like the banana trees and palm trees and stuff. We tried out the sea food like salmon, tuna and even some lobsters, it was from that time that I fell in love with seafood. Apart from that, the most exciting stuff I did when visiting this nice and beautiful city was sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding and even jet skiing with my dad. Even though I remembered that I got a little sun, it was well worth it.
3. Some people like travel alone. Others prefer to travel with their family. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons and details in your response.
I would say I like to travel with my families. It is a great way for me to connect with my family members. To be more specific, we have shared responsibilities in this process, I can book the hotel and my brother can check out the flight information. In this process, sometimes we have to accommodate to others' preference and interest and make concession for others. Additionally, spending some quality time with families is a big part of one's life. Research shows that those who have strong connections with their families can be more productive in a working environment.
4. What are the benefits of talking to older family members?
Actually, by talking to older family members, there are lots of benefits not only to ourselves, but also to seniors. To begin with, senior have richer life experience than young people, including good and bad ones. By learning from their experience, we can avoid previous mistakes. Also, it teaches me to be a humble and modest person so I can hunker down and be successful. Plus, seniors get lonely easily, and by interacting with them, they will feel a sense of belonging to the family and that there are someone out there who care about them.
新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx)
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