2016-12-01 14:09
J. 健康:
1. What food should your school cafeteria to add to attract more people.
Currently, the cafeteria just offers junk food, like French fries, fried chickens, and hash brown, and stuff, and these kind of food are very greasy, it is bad for students' cardiovascular system. To attract more students, I would suggest the cafeteria add some healthy food like vegetables, you know, like salad, tomatoes, and broccoli. Also, students need to absorb enough nutrient needed for the day to concentrate on the class, I would suggest cafeteria offer some sea food, like salmon, tuna, shrimp and stuff like that. They are high in protein, low in carbs. These food are actually easy to cook, they can just steam them, and offer the seafood with some limes or lemon juice.
K. 职业类:
1. Police officer, transportation worker, building designer, which do you think is the most important to a city.
I would say police is the most important job to a city, though they do not really get paid that much, what they do is very essential to the community. They prevent lawbreaking behaviors, like robbery, burglary, and even speeding, they hunt down criminals and preserve the safety of the community. Plus, you can call police officers for help, like when you neighbor is very noisy and you feel like you are disturbed, they also help to address common complaints like that. That is basically why I think police is the most important job in these three professions.
2. Which of the following would you rather be? Lawyer, veterinarian or restaurant owner. Explain your answer in details.
I would say I like to be a restaurant owner, doing business is like my childhood dream, it is a great profession and it brings me great personal satisfaction and monetary value, but I am aware that these reward does not come easily, cuz whenever you are making important decisions there are both opportunities and risks. Frankly, I like the excitement of doing business, and I am not the kind of person who just wants to live a risk-free life, I would say I like the thrill when you make a fortune or suffer a great loss. Apart from that, by operating a restaurant, I can provide people with nice food, and hopefully I can make people happy, and they feel like as if they were dining in their own home.
新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx)
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