2016-12-13 11:39
Visiting museums is not the best way to learn about a country.
Boasting of a vast collection and combination of various exhibits, museums are an elegant gesture of human civilizations. They provide a scene for us to be immersed in a foreign country without requiring us to step out of our own. To learn best about a country, however, visiting museums can hardly be perceived as a satisfactory way. I would strongly recommend a visit to that country and chat with foreign friends for the following reasons.
First and foremost, museums are unlikely to give an impression as vivid as a real experience does. The verbal descriptions or picture or videos in the museum, no matter how expressive they are, cannot relate to visitors as well as a real setting. If you want to know more about Venice, you need to ride a boat, floating over the river between two arrays of village houses. If you want to know more about Paris, you need to put your feet up to the Eiffel Tower, overlooking the flamboyant colors of that fashion paradise. If you want to know more about New York, you need to wave your hands to the mighty woman with a torch in her hands as if saying "I lift my lamp beside the golden door". None of this kind of exciting experience can be achieved by playing with a miniature, let alone reading a piece of document or watching a short film.
Additionally, as many exhibits as a museum can collect, they are far from enough to represent what a country is truly like. The problem for museums is that they have limited space, so they have to decide what's important and what's not. Museums typically include that country's ancient artifacts and documents of major historical events. And in practice, the judgments of the group of academics that make these decisions don't reflect the great range of interests that people in that country really have. But space is definitely not an issue if you travel to that country or chat with foreign friends or even strangers. That country's history can still be learnt from traveling or chatting with natives, but there can be a great variety of things and topics that accurately reflect the great diversity of interests of people in that country. You get to learn what music they put into ears, what idols they go crazy for, and what food they make at home and delight in at food stands. The diversity of knowledge that travelling or chatting can offer is one of their strongest advantages.
Even on historic issues where museums have expertise, they do not stand a chance against a debate with natives. This is because museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues, based on opinions of some authorities. When I learned American history at school, I was curious about what kind of impact that American Revolutionary war, the civil war, the Vietnam War had on its people. Although the school teacher had taken us to the biggest museum in Beijing, I didn't feel so strong about it. It was not until I actually talked in Texas with a veteran from the Vietnam War did I realize how difficult that period of time had been for them. Their opinions were divergent from and supplementary to what's written in the texts in the museum, but their unanimous hope for peace was clear. Had I not been to America, had I not conversed with real people there, I would never have been able to see these things in a multiplicity of angles.
To wrap up, visiting museums is not without its advantages, but to get a clearer picture of what a country looks like, I would encourage you to put your feet on the land of that country or relate to the local people. No doubt you will have a vivid experience, understand what local people are really interested in and see things from perspectives that are very different from museums'.
文章第二个理由段借鉴了Tpo6 综合写作听力素材。其实Tpo综合写作就是非常好的语料库,其中关于合作、商业、文化方面的文章很值得我们学习模仿。当然像这篇范文这样照搬是不行的,我们需要更多的改写,这里主要是向同学们示范一种学习的方法,可以事半功倍。这里把第二个理由去掉字数也达到了托福要求。
Tpo6 综合写作听力素材
Third, what's worth knowing about? The problem for traditional encyclopedias is that they have limited space, so they have to decide what's important and what's not. And in practice, the judgments of the group of academics that make these decisions don't reflect the great range of interests that people really have. But space is definitely not an issue for online encyclopedias. The academic articles are still represented in online encyclopedias, but there can be a great variety of articles and topics that accurately reflect the great diversity of users' interests. The diversity of use in topics that online encyclopedias offer is one of their strongest advantages.
新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx)
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