2016-12-13 11:39
阅读 Rhino’s relocation plan has some problems and therefore cannot save rhinos from illegal hunters |
听力 the problems with Rhino’s relocation plan mentioned in the reading are unconvincing and the plan would be effective |
There is a 5% death rate among rhinos involved in this plan, but every rhino is very precious and it would be pity if they die |
It is true that some rhinos will die because of the plan, but the death rate would be much lower that it is now. Relocating could actually protected them from hunters. |
In this plan, the balance of male and female rhinos will be disturbed; the bond between mother rhinos and infants will also be destroyed |
The planner will carefully choose rhinos so that the balance between two sexes and the bond between mothers and infants won’t be affected |
Enormous profit can be gained from rhinos so illegal hunters won’t give up easily |
An army will protect this relocating plan, and there is a very large area so that the hunters will easily find this relocating area. |
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.
这是一道绝对词题(题干出现the best,the most important等字眼),反对比较好写,一个实用易学的破解角度是"承合驳绝",即承认合理性,反驳绝对性。
1.承认合理性(这段也可以合并进开头段):Visiting museums does have some advantages, i.e. a wide range of carefully selected and beautifully arranged materials;save time and money
2.指出不足:the amount of information in museums is limited and not as lively as when it is presented in real life. Besides, museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.
3.提出更好的 (必要的逻辑环节):there are better ways to learn about a country like traveling to that country or talking with friends as well as strangers from that country.
1. 承认合理性
2. problem:the amount of information in museums is limited and not as lively as when it is presented in real life
solution: there are better ways to learn about a country like traveling to that country to see it yourself
3. problem: museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.
Solution: talking with friends as well as strangers from that country provide you additional point of views
1. things in the museum do not look as lively as when it is presented in real life
2. the amount of information in museums is limited and doesn't reflect the diversity of people's interests
3. museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.
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