2016-12-19 15:12
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should play and study rather than learn how to do household chores, like cooking or cleaning.
The questions of how to allocate children’s time and what should be their top priority have no definitive answers. Some people argue that they should spend their time playing and focusing on their study. However, increasing number of proponents posit that kids should spend some time to share household responsibilities since it helps to develop confidence, self-reliance, and even sympathy. Personally, I am in favor of the view that kids should do some house chores.
To begin with, sharing household chores together with their parents help them to learn something beyond textbooks. Generally, seldom do schools offer practical classes, like cooking. Luckily, when doing different house chores, kids can learn how to cook, clean up the room and do laundry, so on and so forth. To me, these skills are fairly important. Even though the kids are provided food and shelter by their parents, they have to depend on themselves when they are adults. Learning to do all kinds of house chores will help them to be more adaptable in a new environment. However, kids who have not done any house chores might find it difficult to live independently after high school and start studying in a college, it can be so frustrating for them and it distracts them from their study. So, sharing household work with parents at an early age helps the kids to be more independent and responsible.
Additionally, by assisting the families with all kinds of house chores, kids can build up their persistence, which is the predominant factor for achieving greater success in life. For example, like washing the dishes, or vacuuming the floor. The seemingly easy task can be boring and monotonous, a kid without willpower will give up immediately, however if one can persist and finish up all these mundane jobs without too many complaints, they will feel proud of themselves and get a great sense of accomplishment. These little success can add up and shape their characters, thus they will have the fortitude and perseverance required to be successful.
Last but certainly not the least, the kids who pitch in doing house chores are more likely to develop empathy, cooperation spirit and thus maintain better relationship with families members and friends. A study by a very prominent developmental psychologist shows that happiness doesn't not comes from great achievement but from maintaining good relationship with others. Actually, doing the house chores at an early age will make children understand that they are needed by the family, and also they have their shared responsibility to make the house cleaner and more comfortable, eventually they will have a strong sense of belonging to the family. Instead of saying that I need to tidy up my bedroom, the kids who do household work will say I need to dust every single room in the house and do everyone's laundry. It is also worth nothing that the fringe benefit is that parent will be freed up to do something else and be more productive.
In contemplation of the above analysis, I find it rational and reasonable for kids to share the housework with their parents at an early age since not only does it offer some practical skills, like cooking, vacuuming and even doing laundry, it also cultivates responsibility, a sense of achievement, great perseverance, and a sense of family "spirit", all of which are very important qualities to achieve great success. (By Meng, Yan 565 words)
新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx)
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