2016-12-12 10:36
2016年12月10日大陆托福口语都考了哪些题目? 新东方托福考试官网第一时间为大家送上新东方老师带来的2016年12月10日托福独立口语试题解析(托福口语机经),其它科目回忆及新东方名师解析详见》》》2016年12月10日托福试题解析
Task 1
If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose? A lab assistant, a campus tour guide, or a library assistant? Please give specific reasons.
Personally, I prefer to be a lab assistant. As a lab assistant, I got a chance to use the lab equipment and apply theory into practice, thus the knowledge that I learn in classrooms can be tested by myself, and that can be very awesome. Apart from that, I can also interact with the scientists working in the lab and enlighten myself. Working together with them can be very meaningful, since I plan to get my Ph.D in physics and become a physicist in the future. The lab assistant experience can be very valuable when I am applying for the graduate school, and it will give me a better shot to get scholarship.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: if children play sports a lot, they will be aggressive in life.
Personally, I don’t think kids will be aggressive in life if they play sports. Frankly, playing sports can be very competitive, however it also take a lot of cooperation with teammates. Different team members have different responsibilities, and kids have to work closely with others to win the game. In this process, they can develop cooperation awareness and in the future they tend to rely on working with others. Obviously, if they know they need to cooperate with others, they will not be so aggressive since nobody wants to deal with a very aggressive person.
新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx)
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