

2016-12-05 10:01



  2016年12月3日大陆托福口语都考了哪些题目? 新东方托福考试官网第一时间为大家送上新东方老师带来的2016年12月3日托福独立口语试题解析(托福口语机经),其它科目回忆及新东方名师解析详见》》》2016年12月3托福试题解析

  Task 1

  Which of the following classes would you like to take?

  A: painting class B: math class C: science class

  Personally, I prefer to learn science, cuz to begin with, science make you intelligent, actually I want to be a scientist in the future. Science can be applied in different kinds of technologies and improve people's lives, make some breakthrough in the medical treatment in certain diseases, build much more fast express trains and stuff. Apart from that, by learning science, you can understand reasons of the natural phenomena happening in daily life, like rain, snow, tornado.

  Well, personally, I would like to take the painting class. First off, it is very relaxing to learn how to draw picture, actually, it can be a great way to release my destructive emotions, like anger, sorrow and even rage. I can be more creative and get a chance to express myself in the form of drawing picture. Additionally, I can appreciate different kinds of painting, and thus I can develop a taste in artworks. This might a useful skill in the future since artworks like painting is a big part of our lives.

  Task 2

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should leave family for a short period of time.

  Personally, I would say it is a good idea for kids to leave their families for a short time period. First off, they can learn how to budget their expenses and try to make ends meet. Actually, it can very valuable in the future when they have to pay college tuition, buy textbooks and cover different kinds of living expenses. Additionally, they can develop other useful skills, like washing dishes, vacuuming the floor, doing laundry, doing grocery,or even walking the dog and stuff like that. These skills will help them to rely on themselves when they go to college far away from home.

  Nowadays people are more willing to help the people they don’t know(for example, giving clothing and food to the people who need them) than people were in the past.

新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx




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