

2016-12-05 10:00



  2016年12月3日大陆托福口语都考了哪些题目? 新东方托福考试官网第一时间为大家送上新东方老师带来的2016年12月3日托福独立口语试题解析(托福口语机经),其它科目回忆及新东方名师解析详见》》》2016年12月3托福试题解析 

  T1: which of the following three would you choose to take? Painting class, science class or mathematics?

  Personally speaking, I would take the painting class, coz first I major in law, and math and science are not my cup of tea; I have been bombarded with my major study everyday, like dealing with endless presentations, group discussion or paper work, so I think painting course offers me a good chance to release academic pressure, unwind and blow off steam; second, I really enjoy the process of painting, the quite observation and drawing moments help me to calm down and live in the moment, plus, I could send my painting works to my friends and family members as gifts, that would be cool.

  T2: Do you agree or disagree that young children should leave home to stay with relatives and friends for a short period of time?

  I agree with the statement. Coz leaving home for a short period of time offers a great chance for young children to live independently, to observe the world in a different perspective and disengage themselves from their loving parents, who might spoil them unconsciously. Like when I was ten years old, I was sent to live with my uncle and aunt for one semester, coz my parents were really busy then and my uncle’s house was located much closer to my school. It was during that period of time, I learnt to rely on myself to take care of myself, like how to comb my hair, sort out my clothing and stationery, and budget my allowance.

新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx




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