

2016-12-01 14:37



  2016年11月13日大陆托福口语都考了哪些题目? 新东方托福考试官网第一时间为大家送上济南新东方孟炎老师带来的2016年11月13日托福独立口语试题解析(托福口语机经),其它科目回忆及新东方名师解析详见》》》2016年11月13托福试题解析

  Task 1.

  Which one of the following three qualities do you think is the most important for a roommate?

  1. cleanness 2. Friendliness 3. Quietness

  Personally, I think being friendly is the most important factor for a great roommate. First off, a friendly roommate is approachable and easy to get along with. Sometimes, we need help from a roommate like when we got sick, or when we have some kind of emergency and we are far away from parents and close friends. A friendly roommate might help us out when we need help. Also, my roommate might be from distinctive cultural backgrounds, thus if they are friendly, we can be very close friends. I can get to know their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them I can broaden my horizon and have new perspective on things.

  Task 2.

  Do you like to buy new books or used books. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  I would say I prefer to buy used books. As a college students, professors sometimes require students to buy textbooks, and most of the time, the textbooks can be really expensive, you might easily spend over $100 on a single book. My top priority is to budget my money effectively and try to make ends meet, after all,I have to cover living expense, buy textbooks and pay my tuitions and stuff. Additionally, used books have notes on it, by referring to these notes I think it is easier for me to understand some complicated ideas and concepts. So based on these reasons, I find it more reasonable to buy used books.

新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx




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