2016年12月3 、10日---托福写作预测20题及语料库
2016-12-01 14:04
2016年12月3日的托福考试写作部分应该重点复习哪些题目? 新东方出品最权威的托福考试预测,更多预测请:点击查看2016年12月3日预测汇总
本篇预测覆盖"是否同意"," 对比选择"," 三者选一"等最高频的提问角度,覆盖教育类、政府类、科技类、工作类、友谊类、健康类等核心话题。无论考情如何变化,核心母题都可以触类旁通。准备本篇预测,已是全面备考。预测题目相关语料库请参考新东方托福写作语料库汇总。
The way a person dressed is a good indication of his / her personality or character; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 一个人的着装可以反映其个性,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
It is better to wait in patience than take action; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 耐心等待比起而行动更加重要,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
Does advice given by older people more valuable than from people in your age? 老人的建议是否比同龄人的建议更有价值?
Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?父母应该允许孩子们犯错误,让他们在错误中学习,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
If people are on vacation, they should leave their mobile phones at home. 如果在度假,是否应该将手机放在家里?
It is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 优先完成一项任务要比同时完成两项或者多项任务要好,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
The most important thing for the government to improve health care is to clean the environment, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 政府提高公众健康指数最重要的方式就是改善环境,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点? (2016年6月4日)
The advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 广告是人们不健康饮食的根源,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children, they could choose to send their children to child-care center where many children are cared together; or they could send their children to an individual care-giver. Which on is better? 当父母们不能陪伴孩子的时候,他们可以选择把孩子送到育儿中心,或者请个人看护孩子,哪种选择更佳?
In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support? 在经济危机时刻,政府应该给下列哪一个领域经济支持?
1. Art
2. Science research
3. Parks and public gardens
There is never good reason to be impolite to another person, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 我们永远没有理由对于他人无礼,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
It is better to watch serious movies than to watch movies that can amuse or entertain people, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 观看主题严肃的电影比幽默的电影更好,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 迁居到新的城市或国家不是一个好主意,因为人会失去老友,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
People will feel happier when they finish a challenging or difficult work than an easy job; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 当人们完成一项具有挑战性和有难度的工作的时候,会更加幸福,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
Young people should take different kinds of jobs before they take a career in a long term, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 年轻人在单一职业选择前应该从事多元职业,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
It is better for your friend to ask you for help (suppose you are good at the subject) than to turn to a tutor when he finds it hard to pass an examination; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 当一个人发现通过考试有困难的时候,求助于你(假如你擅长某一科目)比求助于老师更好,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
Governments and corporations should share all of their scientific discoveries with the rest of the world; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 政府和企业应该和世人分享他们的科学发现,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
The best way to reduce air pollution is for governments to raise the cost of fuel(petrol)of the cars, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 减少空气污染最好的方式就是政府提高汽车燃料(汽油)的价格,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 给你带来快乐的朋友比给你帮助的朋友更加重要,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?
Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health? 以下三种方式中何种方式可以改善健康?
the kind of food you eat
the amount of exercise
the amount of stress in your life
新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx)
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