2016-11-30 11:15
2016年11月19日大陆托福口语都考了哪些题目? 新东方托福考试官网第一时间为大家送上北京新东方鲁妍钰老师带来的2016年11月19日托福独立口语试题解析(托福口语机经),其它科目回忆及新东方名师解析详见》》》2016年11月19日托福试题解析
T1: Describe what the government should do to solve traffic congestion?
Well I think the government should encourage the use of public transportation system to solve traffic congestion. First, they can issue more policies like the odd-even plate number restriction (单双号限号政策) and draw lots to get car purchase permission policy(摇号政策), which have been really effective in reducing car numbers on the street; plus, they can spend more money on the development of the public transportation system, like to build up more subway lines or bus stations, and keep the fee affordable.
T2: Which do you prefer: people are never too old to get a university degree?
I totally agree with the statement. Coz learning is a life long process. With the development of the economy and society, the purpose of getting a university degree is no longer merely to find a good job, but an integral part of one’s overall growth; plus, getting a university degree is by no means confined to the privilege of the young. For example, my uncle, Peter, he is over 50-year old, a successful entrepreneur, he got his first bachelor degree last year, majoring in traditional Chinese literature. Although it took him a lot of time and energy to take all those classes, and pass all those examinations, I can tell he is truly happy about his choice. A dream comes true.
新东方唐山学校:新东方 (微信号:tsxdfxx)
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